Unless you cook or bake with it, you might not even know what ginger looks like or why it's associated with Christmas. Today is your lucky day. Join us as we take a look at the history behind ginger, how it became associated with Christmas, and of course we'll throw in a few fun facts for you to share with family and loved ones this holiday season.
Each autumn, the leaves fall and we rake them up. The leaves are raked, and we bag them up. The leaves are bagged up, and we ship them to the landfill. All of this for what? Join us as we discuss a movement that asks us to keep the leaves in place. From jams to jelly, juice to wine, we're here for it all! Find out if we have native grapes in PA, the age of the oldest grapevine in the U.S., and how to survive without water in the middle of the woods. Join us as we dive into the world of this favorite fall fruit.
From pumpkin spice lattes to the classic pumpkin pie, you can't have fall without the pumpkin. Join us as we discuss where it came from and discover some crazy facts about this traditional autumn gourd. Don't miss this episode! |
February 2025