Under Chapter 102 regulations, earth disturbance under 5,000 square feet requires that best management practices are installed before earth disturbance occurs. This page will assist you with the proper steps to take before you start any site construction.
Step 1. - Bodies of Water
Before developing your E&S plan, observe your site for any bodies of water (ditches, pond(s), lake(s), stream(s), river, wetland(s), etc.). Protecting these areas are an essential part of your E&S plan.
Step 2. - Sketch your work site
Use this template to sketch your entire work area. - E&S template
Include all bodies of water and swales/ditches.
Step 3. - Pick your BMP(s)
BMP stands for a Best Management Practice. Silt fence, silt sock, straw bales, and wood chip filter berms are all considered BMPs that protect your disturbed soil from running into a local waterway and causing a pollution event.
We have provided standard construction details for each BMP you can utilized on site. This will help with the installation and maintenance of BMPs.
Detail drawings:
Silt sock/compost filter sock
Silt fence
Straw bales
Compost filter berm
Wood chip berm
Step 4. – Develop a Construction Sequence
With the template provided above, provide a construction sequence for the site using Page 1. Before any earthwork commences, it should be noted to clearly mark all limits of disturbance so additional areas aren’t disturbed. All BMPs should also be installed before earth disturbance activity.
Step 5. -Sketch your BMPs
With the sketch developed of the worksite, include all BMP locations on the same sketch. BMPs should be installed on the downslope of the worksite and around any waterways.
If you have trucks or heavy equipment leaving the work site, you also risk tracking sediment onto the roadway. To eliminate this risk, a Rock Construction Entrance should be installed at the end of your access road.
Rock construction entrance
Step 6. -Begin work
Work can begin once the entire plan template is completed. Plans Do Not need to be sent to the Conservation District for review unless associated with a Chapter 105 permit, work is located in a EV/HQ watershed, or is required by your local municipality. Begin work and follow the construction sequence. NOTE: Disturbed areas should be stabilized within 4 days (3 tons of mulch per acre).
Step 1. - Bodies of Water
Before developing your E&S plan, observe your site for any bodies of water (ditches, pond(s), lake(s), stream(s), river, wetland(s), etc.). Protecting these areas are an essential part of your E&S plan.
Step 2. - Sketch your work site
Use this template to sketch your entire work area. - E&S template
Include all bodies of water and swales/ditches.
Step 3. - Pick your BMP(s)
BMP stands for a Best Management Practice. Silt fence, silt sock, straw bales, and wood chip filter berms are all considered BMPs that protect your disturbed soil from running into a local waterway and causing a pollution event.
We have provided standard construction details for each BMP you can utilized on site. This will help with the installation and maintenance of BMPs.
Detail drawings:
Silt sock/compost filter sock
Silt fence
Straw bales
Compost filter berm
Wood chip berm
Step 4. – Develop a Construction Sequence
With the template provided above, provide a construction sequence for the site using Page 1. Before any earthwork commences, it should be noted to clearly mark all limits of disturbance so additional areas aren’t disturbed. All BMPs should also be installed before earth disturbance activity.
Step 5. -Sketch your BMPs
With the sketch developed of the worksite, include all BMP locations on the same sketch. BMPs should be installed on the downslope of the worksite and around any waterways.
If you have trucks or heavy equipment leaving the work site, you also risk tracking sediment onto the roadway. To eliminate this risk, a Rock Construction Entrance should be installed at the end of your access road.
Rock construction entrance
Step 6. -Begin work
Work can begin once the entire plan template is completed. Plans Do Not need to be sent to the Conservation District for review unless associated with a Chapter 105 permit, work is located in a EV/HQ watershed, or is required by your local municipality. Begin work and follow the construction sequence. NOTE: Disturbed areas should be stabilized within 4 days (3 tons of mulch per acre).