Earth Disturbance over 5,000 sq. ft. – under 1 acre
Step 1. -Small E&S Plan packet
The packet provided will assist you in developing your plan. Please complete all open-ended pages to the best of your ability.
Step 2. -Identify watercourses
Found on page 6 of the plan packet, provide the nearest watercourse from the project and provide the Chapter 93 stream classification. It is recommended that you check for classification updates in PA DEP’s eMapPA. A link is provided here (
Step 2. -Identify soils
Found on page 6 of the packet, please utilize the USDA Web Soils Survey to identify the soils found on the worksite. Please attach a copy of the Soils Survey and information on soils once completed. (
Step 3. – Identify Drainage & Runoff
Do drainage swales or pipes exist on the property? Complete Section C on page 8 if any are found.
Step 4. -Complete E&SPC Plan Narrative found on page 9
Step 5. -Identify Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Identify and checkmark all BMPs that will be utilized on the work-site on page 10. NOTE: Standard Construction Details for all BMPs are found in the packet. This will help in the installation and maintenance of BMPs throughout the project.
Step 6. -Develop a Construction Sequence
Complete a construction for the project using page 10. Before any earthwork commences, it should be noted to clearly mark all limits of disturbance so additional areas aren’t disturbed. All BMPs should also be installed before earth disturbance activity.
Step 7. -Sketch the site
Develop a sketch of the project area using page 14 of the packet. The sketch should include waterways (streams, ponds, wetlands, etc.), existing structures, proposed structures, BMP locations, and a North arrow. A legend should also be completed in the sketch drawing. NOTE: Please refer to pages 15 and 16 for a reference sketch.
Step 8.- Complete disturbed area stabilization
Found on page 17, identify temporary and permanent site stabilization. This will include seed and lime type and application rate. The charts found on page 19 can help with seed types and application rates.
Step 9. -Begin work
Work can begin once the entire plan template is completed. Plans Do Not need to be sent to the Conservation District for review unless there is a municipal requirement, work is associated with a Chapter 105 permit, or work is being performed in an EV/HQ Watershed. Begin work and follow the construction sequence. NOTE: Disturbed areas should be stabilized within 4 days.
Step 1. -Small E&S Plan packet
The packet provided will assist you in developing your plan. Please complete all open-ended pages to the best of your ability.
Step 2. -Identify watercourses
Found on page 6 of the plan packet, provide the nearest watercourse from the project and provide the Chapter 93 stream classification. It is recommended that you check for classification updates in PA DEP’s eMapPA. A link is provided here (
Step 2. -Identify soils
Found on page 6 of the packet, please utilize the USDA Web Soils Survey to identify the soils found on the worksite. Please attach a copy of the Soils Survey and information on soils once completed. (
Step 3. – Identify Drainage & Runoff
Do drainage swales or pipes exist on the property? Complete Section C on page 8 if any are found.
Step 4. -Complete E&SPC Plan Narrative found on page 9
Step 5. -Identify Best Management Practices (BMPs)
Identify and checkmark all BMPs that will be utilized on the work-site on page 10. NOTE: Standard Construction Details for all BMPs are found in the packet. This will help in the installation and maintenance of BMPs throughout the project.
Step 6. -Develop a Construction Sequence
Complete a construction for the project using page 10. Before any earthwork commences, it should be noted to clearly mark all limits of disturbance so additional areas aren’t disturbed. All BMPs should also be installed before earth disturbance activity.
Step 7. -Sketch the site
Develop a sketch of the project area using page 14 of the packet. The sketch should include waterways (streams, ponds, wetlands, etc.), existing structures, proposed structures, BMP locations, and a North arrow. A legend should also be completed in the sketch drawing. NOTE: Please refer to pages 15 and 16 for a reference sketch.
Step 8.- Complete disturbed area stabilization
Found on page 17, identify temporary and permanent site stabilization. This will include seed and lime type and application rate. The charts found on page 19 can help with seed types and application rates.
Step 9. -Begin work
Work can begin once the entire plan template is completed. Plans Do Not need to be sent to the Conservation District for review unless there is a municipal requirement, work is associated with a Chapter 105 permit, or work is being performed in an EV/HQ Watershed. Begin work and follow the construction sequence. NOTE: Disturbed areas should be stabilized within 4 days.